Posts Ten things I learned in 2022

Ten things I learned in 2022

Daisy (Canberra, Australia)

Inspired by Tom Whitwell’s ‘52 Things I Learned’ series, in no particular order.

  1. There are few analogues to the pure, unadulterated joy of witnessing your own flesh and blood mirror the same feeling at you

  2. Setting a small and defined list of overarching goals for your life can help focus it

  3. Neurons that fire together wire together, but you need not be a slave to them *

  4. ‘Eunoia’ refers to a feeling of goodwill, particularly between a speaker and their audience *

  5. Spent well, a sabbatical can better shape the direction of the rest of your life

  6. Jesus was likely not born in an actual manger *

  7. Raising a child can help supercharge your creative juices

  8. The children of the Moken sea gypsies have developed the ability to refract their eyes and see clearly underwater without goggles *

  9. What seems logical can sometimes be unhelpful

  10. Riding an electric motorcycle is really fun

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