Posts The cloud and the promise (2014)

The cloud and the promise (2014)

The cloud and promise (Canberra, Australia)

On the day before I proposed to her, during the worst bout of depression in my life, I prayed these words.

I write these words while still fending off this hound haunting my steps.

By Your grace I am beginning to grasp that in my despair, though my world seems on the brink of collapse—the sun still rises, the earth continues to spin, and You hold all things in Your hands.

In my weakness I determined to wait until this cloud had passed before making known my wish to cleave to another.

Yet in my brokenness You accept me as I am, and by this premise You bless the union of two confessing sinners everywhere.

You prompted me to judge the wisdom of my waiting, and revealed to me that there were no good reasons for doing so any longer—the sun still rises, the earth continues to spin, and no other future comes to mind.

Though my constitution suppressed, I cling to You and the promise of revival.

Tomorrow I venture forth in faith to share my hope to become one with another, to better become one with You.

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